34 Valentine's Day Gifts for Kids — Jenn Hallak
34 Valentine's Day Gifts for Kids

34 Valentine's Day Gifts for Kids

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Growing up, I always loved Valentine's Day. I got to pick out the perfect Valentine's Day cards for everyone in my class, carefully write each of their names on the cards, and then put in the most delicious chocolate that I had picked out myself.

And then on Valentine's Day morning, I would wake up to a fun gift from my parents, always sitting on the kitchen table waiting for me to open before school. It was never anything big, but it sure made me feel loved. 

Valentine's Day isn't just about your husband or wife but it is about love all around -- Love for your parents, for your friends, for your kids, and if you are a dog mom, then for your pup too!

Since this will be Ava's first Valentine's Day, I definitely plan on carrying on the tradition that my parents had every year and if you want to do the same, then these gift ideas are just for you! I know that it is still January but we are about three weeks away from the day of love so you better get to thinking. I've come up with 34 Valentine's Day gifts for kids and babies that are the perfect little gifts to show them how much you love them. 

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