Quick & Easy Homemade Bread Recipe

Quick & Easy Homemade Bread Recipe

I know sourdough is all the rave but as a mom of four, I just don’t have the time for that. Okay, okay. I know people with far more kids and far busier schedules make sourdough from scratch all the time so maybe I’m just not patient? Luckily, my bestie and neighbor brings me sourdough whenever she makes it but here at our house, I’m all for the quick and easy one-day bread recipe. And it is delicious. Like so so good. And best of all? You really can’t mess it up. I’ve lost track of my measurements, thrown in a little more water when it seemed dry, I’ve done it all in the same day and I’ve extended that time overnight and every single time this easy bread recipe turns out fantastic. Every. Single. Time.

So if you’re anything like me and want to make bread but don’t really want to learn all the things, then this easy homemade bread recipe is for you.

I snagged this recipe from ModernFarmhouseFamily (so I defintiely cannot take the credit here) and have been using it for years now. I’ve tried adding garlic, rosemary, jalepenos, cheese and I’ve even trying making it with wheat flower but for some reason, I always go back to the simple recipe - just the bread.

Quick & Easy Homemade Bread Recipe


  • 6 cups flour

  • 1/2 tsp active-dry yeast

  • 2 1/2 tsp salt

  • 1 2/3 cup water


  1. Combine flour, yeast, salt and water in a large bowl. If it feels too dry, add a little more water and if it feels a little wet, add some flour.

  2. Let the dough sit for 12-18 hours (although I’ve done less… but I prefer that waist time)

  3. Put flour on your counter top, pull out your dough and gently fold the edges inward until you’ve formed what looks like a loaf of bread.

  4. Spray your bowl with oil so it doesn’t stick and put the dough back into the bowl.

  5. Let it sit for another 1-2 hours. And again, I’ve done less but I prefer at least that hour to rise.

  6. Preheat your oven to 425 degrees with your dutch oven inside while it’s preheating.

  7. Once the oven is ready, dump that loaf into the dutch oven and cook with the cap on for 40 minutes.

  8. After 40 minutes, remove the cap and cook for another 10 minutes uncovered.

  9. Remove from the oven, let it cool before cutting and enjoy!

Easy peasy and so darn delicious! Let me know if you try it!

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