Franky | TEN Months Old

Franky | TEN Months Old

It happened again — I missed Franky’s last update so here I am again mushing two months into one! I took the photos (proud of myself for that) but the update has been on my to-do list for a good 34 days now. Second child syndrome, once again!

So here it goes —

  • he now has 6 teeth (4 on top, 2 on bottom)

  • he said his first word last month (“bubba” which is what we call Baxter)

  • he also said his second word last month: “Ava” but he pronounces it “aw-vuh”

  • and this month he finally said the best word of all — MAMA!

  • we’re at 2 naps — a morning nap for about an hour and an afternoon nap for around 2 hours

  • he basically asks to go to bed by 5pm every night (must have my genes!) and he’s usually up around 6:30 or 7am

  • eats like a 16-year-old boy (like literally eats more than me some meals) and yet, we’re still struggling with that weight gain (he lost weight at his last appointment so we’re really stepping up our game and chunking this dude up!)

  • won’t let anyone else hold him if I’m in his sight

  • now takes a sippy cup and knows how to use straws which means my boobs are getting a rest!

Current Life Goals:

  • sprint to the back door to get outside before the door closes

  • get those hands into the toilet water

  • scarf down as much of Baxter’s food as possible before mom, dad or Ava snag him!

This kid loves climbing the stairs, loves it when we chase him (he looks back at us with a sneaky smile before crawling as fast as he can again) and he’s still just as smiley as ever. We love you, Franky boy! I seriously cannot believe we’re already 10 months into this beautiful life together!

Oh and if you’d like to shop Tenth & Pine and all of those adorable onesies Franky wears for his monthly milestones,
click here to shop their current designs!



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