Jenn Hallak

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Control what you can this upcoming season.

This post is sponsored by Vaseline.

My favorite season of the year is approaching… Fall. That crisp air, cozy sweaters, the start of the holiday season and we can’t forget my birthday, of course. I guess Hayes’ upcoming birth is pretty cool too ;) I just get a smile on my face thinking of the months ahead of us but you know what’s the worst part of the season we’re now approaching?

Chapped lips.

Didn’t think I was gonna say that, did you?

But if you think about it, chapped lips are the absolute worst. Am I right or am I right? With that cool weather approaching, I’ve got to remind myself to take care of my lips because in this season of so many things we can’t control, this is one thing that we 100% CAN control. 

Some of us are coffee snobs and some of us are very particular with other brands we use in our lives and as silly as it sounds, I’m a chapstick snob -- any random chapstick just won’t do. (And I’m betting lots of you out there feel exactly the same way). 

I use Vaseline as my morning and evening routine without fail, right after brushing, and I honestly believe it’s one of the best self-care routines (the quickest self-care routine, at that) that I could have added into my life. Because without it, chapped lips would surely sneak their way into my life like they did with Ava last year… I’m talking red, below the lip clown lips that no matter what we tried we couldn’t get to go away. That poor thing! 

But really, if I were on a game show and you had to name one item in my purse, those Vaseline Lip Therapy sticks are IT. Without fail. And another stick sits in the center console in my car too, because you can never be too careful. 

I take my lips quite seriously -- can you tell?

Cocoa Butter Vaseline Lip Therapy sticks can be found at your local Dollar Tree - affordable, nourishing, with cocoa and shea butter and now they’re more portable than ever because they’re now made as a stick. Vaseline Lip Therapy stick are full of soothing power you can trust. 

Snag ‘em now and control what you CAN control in this crazy season of life!