Jenn Hallak

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Valentine's Day Gift Ideas for kids, moms + dads.

Over the weekend I did a little Valentine’s Day poll. I asked who goes out or stays in, who celebrates with the kids or gets a babysitter, who exchanges gifts and some other fun little questions. And then I asked you all to help me with gift ideas — Valentine’s Day gift ideas for kids, what moms really want for Valentine’s Day and what men really want for Valentine’s Day and here’s what you all came up with:

Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Kids

  • Socks

  • Candy/chocolate

  • Wonderbly books

  • Slumberkins

  • Stuffed animal

  • Heart balloon

  • Swim suits

  • Their choice of dinner

  • Cards

  • Puzzles

  • Small toy (Target dollar section!)

  • They pick out one thing themselves (with a $ limit)

  • Books

  • Snacks

  • Themed (bath, gardening, reading, activities, etc)

  • Valentine’s day outfit to wear that day

  • Flowers

  • Koala crate or subscription box

  • Cute water bottle

  • Pajamas

  • Scratchers

  • Bath bomb

  • Instruments

  • One toy they’ve been asking for

  • Activity (paint, play doh, coloring book, chalk, bubbles)

  • Sunglasses

  • Night light

  • Bake or Make dinner together! (heart shaped pizzas or cookies)

  • Earrings

What Moms Really Want for Valentine’s Day:

The top answers I got were spa days, alone time, massages and a cleaning service to deep clean the house!

  • A clean house or a one-off cleaning service!

  • Kid-free shopping spree

  • Not having to do the dishes

  • Professional massage

  • Flowers

  • To sleep in/nap

  • Another baby

  • A painted house

  • Steam mop

  • To shower and eat alone with no interruptions

  • A necklace with the kids names on it

  • A babysitter for date night/alone time with hubby

  • A break/Me Time

  • Dinner out so I don’t have to cook

  • Gift cards

  • A facial/Spa Day

  • Photo book with memories

  • Lingerie he picks out himself!

  • Diamonds

  • Love letter

  • Candles

  • Appreciation for me

  • Candy/cookies

  • Massage from him

  • Love

  • A manicure

  • A new diaper bag

  • Potty train the kids

  • A trip/getaway

  • Chocolate-covered strawberries

  • Hubby changes the diapers

What Men Really Want for Valentine’s Day:

The top answer here was very clear and of course, I could’ve guessed it: sex. And the second top answer was nothing!

  • Quiet time together with no kids

  • Massage

  • sex

  • air pods

  • lingerie

  • to go out to a bar guilt free/alone time with his friends

  • nothing (this was a top answer!)

  • watch

  • motorcycle

  • nakedness (this one wins haha)

  • wallet

  • popcorn machine (this one made me laugh… he’s being honest!)

  • jeans

  • a short back rub “that’s only 5 min so they can get to the good part”

  • tickets to a sports game

  • jerky

  • dinner

  • hobby items (cars, shooting, etc)

  • a nap

  • socks

  • a day off

  • (lots of people said their answers were to naughty to repeat…I’ll leave those to your imagination)