Cute Kids Clothes + Ice Cream

Cute Kids Clothes + Ice Cream

By 11am this morning I was done. Ava wouldn't stop whining, I yelled at her and then cried and hugged her and told her I was sorry and then she hugged me and started whining and screaming and just wouldn't stop. Nothing could stop her - not YouTube, not water balloons, not chocolate, nothing.

So we did what we needed to do and got out of the house for a trip to the ice cream shop. I mean, what else do you do for breakfast when you need to get out?

Ice cream is always the answer.

Pink ice cream, to be exact.

Cute Summer Kids Clothes -- The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger

And even better, we had just gotten a super cute new kids outfit in the mail yesterday -- striped lace high waisted kids shorts and a fringe kids tee -- so I threw it on her with these adorable pink toddler tennis shoes and snapped some pictures for our super cute kids clothes outfit of the day! And there you have it -- our day in a nutshell.

If you love any part of her super cute kids outfit, just click on the links below to shop!

Cute Summer Kids Clothes -- The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Cute Summer Kids Clothes -- The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Cute Summer Kids Clothes -- The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Cute Summer Kids Clothes -- The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Cute Summer Kids Clothes -- The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Cute Summer Kids Clothes -- The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Cute Summer Kids Clothes -- The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Cute Summer Kids Clothes -- The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Cute Summer Kids Clothes -- The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Cute Summer Kids Clothes -- The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Cute Summer Kids Clothes -- The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Cute Summer Kids Clothes -- The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
Cute Summer Kids Clothes -- The Overwhelmed Mommy Blogger
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