Jenn Hallak

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5 Tips for Managing A Clean Home As A Busy Mom

This post has been sponsored by PINALEN®.
All thoughts and opinions are my own.

You see, I’m a busy mama. I work from home, own multiple companies and I’ve got those three little monsters running around on the daily so the thought of deep cleaning up the backyard and our home honestly is a bit overwhelming (see what I did there?). It’s a lot. I feel like I barely have time to get my own work done during the day, let alone shower, clean up after the kids, exclusively nurse and keep my home clean but over the years, I’ve come up with some ways to make it a bit easier on myself.

Deep cleaning will forever be a task I never feel I can get on top of but at least it’s a little more manageable if I follow my own tips ;)

So here they are —

My top tips for managing a clean home as a busy mom.

1. Prioritize

We don’t always have time for it all - especially for gatherings or BBQ’s or anything that’s time sensitive - so prioritize what needs to be cleaned!

If you’re having a BBQ over memorial day weekend and the majority of the time you and your guests will be in the backyard, then prioritize that area first and the rest is just a bonus! Clean up that grill that has been collecting dust through the winter months, sweep and clean the patio with PINALEN® fresh scents (seriously, they smell incredible!), wipe down the patio furniture, etc.

  • PATIO: sweep it up first and then deep clean using a scrub brush and 1/4 cup PINALEN multipurpose cleaner to a gallon of water. use a bit of undiluted cleaner and give a good scrub on grease and tough stains.

  • PATIO FURNITURE: Brush off dirt and grime from cushion covers and throw them in the washing machine. Then wipe down your patio furniture with the same mixture as above.

  • BBQ: Use a grill brush or foil scrape to get off excess food and ash from grates and then soak in baking soda, soapy water and wipe down. For the exterior, use PINALEN Fresh Pine with its powerful degreasing properties.

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2. Pick up as you go.

…or more like, pick up as your kids go. Am I right or am I right? Kids are a bit of a tornado when it comes to toys and messes but that’s all part of the fun of raising them :) Ava’s at the age where she can clean up after herself and Franky has definitely started to pick up toys with us but at the end of the day, there’s always something else for me to clean. So putting away dishes right after cooking and eating instead of piling them in the sink and having the kids clean up one toy before moving to the next, for example, makes a world of a difference. And at the end of the night, it seems like a whole lot less work when I’ve done little bits at a time throughout the day.

3. Have the kids help.

While I don’t just hand over cleaning products to the kids (duh!), there are so many ways they can help out and honestly, they enjoy it! They see me deep cleaning and they beg to help! They can dust, wipe things down, do a little counter scrubbing or just clean up little messes that are a bit easier for them. And every little bit helps!

4. Deep clean one room at a time.

The thought of deep cleaning my entire home is extremely overwhelming. We don’t have someone who cleans our home for us so it’s quite daunting thinking about doing it myself. But I’ve found that the only way that it’s actually manageable is doing one room at a time. Whether it’s one room per day or a couple areas each weekend, setting a cleaning schedule for yourself and doing bits and pieces at a time rather than deep cleaning all at once makes such a world of a difference!

5. Let go of perfection.

We’re moms with little time and life isn’t perfect. So I’m here to tell you that it’s okay! If your home isn’t sparkling from top to bottom every day of the week, that’s okay (and you’re so not alone).

But I’ll let you in on a little secret tip — clean with something that smells fabulous like the PINALEN Floral Delight, that PINALEN Fresh Pine scent or even the long lasting scents of Summer Fresh and Lavender Dreams and I swear, smelling those summer fresh scents as I walk into each room honestly makes me feel on top of the world — scents change everything.

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