17 Simple Ways for Moms to Treat Yourself — Jenn Hallak
17 Simple Ways for Moms to Treat Yourself

17 Simple Ways for Moms to Treat Yourself

Photos by Briana Lindsey Photography

We're back home from beautiful Utah and back to reality. I came home last night with hundreds of emails awaiting my response, dozens of DM's on Instagram to catch up on, campaigns to work on, photoshoots to schedule and a whole lot of blog posts to prep for the coming weeks. Coming back from vacation is never easy, especially when your vacation involved so much beauty and even bucket list items checked off of my list.

Our Utah Travel Guide with lots of things to do in Utah with kids will be live hopefully very soon and a whole lot of reminiscing will be had the day that video goes live but until then, I'm back to reality and back to my daily routine.

17 Little Ways for Moms to Treat Yourself -- Mommy Blog - The Overwhelmed Mommy

I haven't even looked this up but I bet there are studies on some form of depression that happens in the brain when people come home from vacation and so, I'm making sure our transition back to reality is smooth. And today, I'm getting lots of work done but I'm also treating myself to some things I love.

Today I had a whole lot of peanut butter mixed with chocolate chips and I'm currently catching up on The Bachelor and The Women Tell All as we speak. So if all else fails, at least I got those two things in my life today :)

Whether you're coming home from an amazing vacation or you just need a break from that daily mom life, I've created a list of super simple ways moms can treat themselves. Because you deserve it and you deserve a little treat every single day of your life. And some days, it's really the only way to stay sane throughout this motherhood journey so if all else fails, I highly recommend setting some time aside for you and yourself only every single day...even if it's just a couple of minutes.

Treat yo' self.

17 Little Ways for Moms to Treat Yourself -- Mommy Blog - The Overwhelmed Mommy
17 Little Ways for Moms to Treat Yourself -- Mommy Blog - The Overwhelmed Mommy

So here they are, 17 Little ways for moms to treat yourself:

- eat a bite of chocolate chips smothered in peanut butter (or your favorite dessert)
- watch an episode of your favorite show during nap time
- go to the bathroom with the door shut and without the kids
- take a shower all alone
- get a massage
- take an hour of kid-free time (even just to wander through Target or sit in the car with a Starbucks)
- sleep in for an extra hour while dad plays with the kids
- take a nap (I'm sure you have a friend who would be willing to watch the kids for you and you can watch theirs another day)
- do your hair and makeup first thing in the morning
- buy yourself a new shirt
- get outdoors for just 20 minutes
- workout for just 20 minutes
- watch a movie with a glass of wine (or in my case, whiskey) and leave the dishes alone for the night
- read the Bible
- give the kids the iPad and just sit there and do nothing at all
- treat yourself to a Starbucks
- order in from your favorite restaurant (and have it delivered so you don't even have to leave the house)

Do anything that makes you happy. Anything at all.

What are your favorite little ways to treat yourself?

17 Little Ways for Moms to Treat Yourself -- Mommy Blog - The Overwhelmed Mommy
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We're headed to Utah!